Tiago Oliveira is Assistant Professor at the NOVA School of Statistics and Information Management, Coordinator of the degree in Information Management, and Coordinator of the Ph.D. in Information Management by NOVA School of Statistics and Information and Communication Sciences by Universidade de São Paulo. He was academic visitor at the Information Systems Department, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA. He received his PhD degree in Information Management from Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), Portugal in 2011. He also received Master degree in Statistics and Information Management from ISEGI-UNL, Portugal, in 2006 and a degree in Industrial Engineering and Management from Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (UTL), Portugal, in 2001. Before joining academia he worked in the Private Sector as a Product Management and Account Management in the largest Portuguese Information Technology Company, Portugal Telecom. His current research interests include Technology Adoption, Technology Diffusion, Health Information Technologies and Health Informatics, Privacy, and Digital Divide.
His research has been published in several journals including Information & Management, Decision Support Systems, Journal of Global Information Management, International Journal of Information Management, Industrial Management & Data Systems, Applied Economics Letters, Online Information Review, Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences, among others and several conferences on information management and statistics.
Tiago has authored more than 60 scientific articles in Journals and conference proceedings.